User submitted reviews
Review by Bikridr
Im 72 years old. I train on Zwift nearly daily, amassing 1000+ miles per month. I've ditched the spoon and fork as and energy souce, that's for recovery. I power my rides exclusively with products like Hammer Gel. I can measure more precisley entake and know exactly when to grab my refill pouch. With Hammer Gel I NEVER hit the low-energy wall. I have learned to refuel before the lag and even if I hit a dip, I take a sip and ten
minutes later all cylinders firing.
Review by FuelFool
This and Perpeteum have been my go-to fuels for longer rides and races for twenty years. Goes down easy and is fairly economical when you buy the jugs on sale. Using a flask is far easier than trying to tear open packets in the heat of battle.
Review by Anonymous
Bladder is a bit large for pocket
Not worth the effort to fill ballder
Review by Anonymous
I pair the Hammer bulk gels with the Hammer carrying flask, primarily because it's far easier to use during races than trying to open individual gels. In this respect it works perfectly, and I can add anywhere from 1-5 gels, mix with a little water/juice, and add a bit of caffeine powder if I choose. The fact that it's cheaper per serving than pre-packaged gels is also a plus. The only point of note I have is with the Montana Huckleberry - the flavor is good, however it's got seeds in it which make squeezing it through the flask nozzle slightly more challenging. Overall a great system that I will continue to use.
Review by Andrew S.
A good deal if you grab some hammer gel flasks, and can handle refilling your own flasks. There are rumors that if you are on the trails in forest park, you might see a wild eyed man with very short hair downing a whole bottle of the espresso flavor.
Review by rocket rick
I use this for any ride over 25 miles. I dilute it a bit with water in the flask. The flask is the way to go cuz there is less trash and the cost per ounce is less and no messy fingers ! Single servings are NOT the way to go folks. Just try it.
Review by JD
Tastes good, doesn't cause me any distress and the reusable gel flask is much easier to deal with than individually wrapped gels. Two flasks is the equivalent of 10 gels and I get home with no sticky pockets.
Review by Paul
I use this when I need a quick energy boost before rides or runs. The espresso flavor is tasty, not overly sweet, and seems less viscous than some other gels (thus, easier to take without water). The espresso flavor has 50mg of caffeine, which is just enough caffeine when I don't have time to slug a real pre-workout espresso. Hammer's big bottles are cheaper on a per serving basis than individual sachets, and let you take as much or little as you want without the fuss and litter of individual sachets.
Review by rocketrick
I use the flask and add a tiny bit of water to make it less vicious. The flask is the way to go. just make sure you close the top !
Review by Jamie
Very happy with this gel! I got the espresso with caffeine. It tastes like you're drinking Hershey's chocolate syrup which I love. Gives you an almost immediate burst of energy. Would definitely recommend it.
Review by Masigirl
This product works well. You will not feel a rush of energy, but rather a steady, even level of energy.
In addition, Hammer gel flavors, at least the ones I've tried,orange,tropical and raspberry are not terribly sweet. Lastly, even though this is not important to some, it may be to others, these are vegan products.
Review by Anonymous
Vanilla flavor is a little strange tasting, but other flavors are much better. In my opinion, these gels are better than GU.
Review by jd
I really like being able to carry one or two gel-flasks for a long ride and have not have to deal with individual gels and the wrappers.
The consistency isn't too thick and I like most of the flavours.
Review by MikeAZ
I use gels for nutrition on longer rides in place of more solids as I have digesting the solids. The Hammer product provides the calories and electrolytes that I need. Buying in bulk and using the hammer reusable bottle saves a great deal of money and helps protect the environment by eliminating the foil packet trash.
The downsides to the combo 1) the bottle has a protective cap and a VERY tight pop top makoing it difficult to use while in motion and 2) the last few servings are a little more difficult to get out of the reuseable bottle. This is overcome by adding a bit of drink from your water bottle prior to starting out making more of a liquidized gel.
Review by WSCyclist
I've been using Hammer Nutrition Gel for an energy source for all my rides from a quick hill training ride to 24-hour rides. I use it along with Hammer's Perpetuem and electrolytes in my water as a constant source of energy throughout the ride. It's easy to digest this way. I don't like having to swallow the gel straight and then wash it down, but this approach provides the benefit without the gag. And the variety of flavors keeps things from getting boring.
Review by Which Doctor
I like the taste, it's easy to digest, and consistently effective.
Review by LDinSLC
I use this stuff almost every day for a long commuter ride. Never upsets my gut, gives me a good lift for the hills, doesn't taste horrible.
Review by Jeff M.
I really like Hammergel I carry a squeezable refillable flask with 5 servings and rarely use more than half even on my longest 3+ hour rides. I find eating solid food on a ride will sometimes upset my stomach but this never does. A quick hit every hour or so with a swig of water keeps my energy level steady and prevents me from bonking. Highly recommended.
Review by Paul
This gel sits well on my gut during hard workouts and tastes delicious. Espresso and Chocolate Hazelnut are my favorite flavors (pro tip: drizzle this flavors on pancakes and waffles if you're out of maple syrup). The big bottle is more economical than single serving gels on a cost per serving basis.
Review by Nathan
When I'm ready for an energy boost I can usually use a caffeine pick-me-up at the same time. I've always favored the espresso. I's sweet enough that I always think if as a mocha.